Saturday, May 28, 2011


Everybody knows Jamaican patties, and if you don't, you should. These patties are vegetarian (callaloo, chocho and other veggies) and curry chicken. They are made with a flaky, buttery crust and are really yummy. Patties can be filled with anything, beef, pork, chicken, veggie, shrimp or lobster! It's the perfect, hand held food.

Cabbage Cooked in Coconut Milk

Does this look healthy or what? Cabbage, chocho and other vegetables cooked in coconut milk. This is good for you and delicious too!


Ackee is the national fruit of Jamaica. Ackee and saltfish is the national dish. Ackee is a fruit that resembles soft tofu when cooked. It is delicious and very good for you, containing many important nutrients and essential fatty acids.

This dish was made with ackee and no salt fish for vegetarians. It can be eaten with breadfruit (below) or festival. It's GOOD!

Corn Meal Pudding

Blue Drawers

Peeling the green bananas

Mixing up the batter.

Filling a banana leaf.

Folding it.

The finished product.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Callaloo (amaranth) can be used in vegetable patties or steamed with cho cho and spices.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Fried Breadfruit


Fish in Coconut Milk

This delicious fish is steamed in coconut milk with vegetables and Jamaican spices.